Mujeres artistas de Lanzarote. La saga familiar Spínola (Siglos XIX y XX ) / Female artists of Lanzarote. The Spinola family saga (19th and 20th Centuries)


  • María de los Reyes Hernández Socorro
  • José Concepción Rodríguez


Este estudio se refiere, de modo primordial, a las manifestaciones realizadas por mujeres de la estirpe Spínola en la isla de Lanzarote (islas Canarias), a lo largo de los siglos XIX y XX. Hemos utilizado el método biográfico porque se trata de una saga dinástica insólita y queremos demostrar cómo el humanista entorno familiar se convierte en una escuela de formación de las artes plásticas, musicales y escénicas.

The goal of this article is to pay attention to the artistic pieces of work created by the women of the Spínola´s lineage from Lanzarote (Canary Islands) during the 19th and 20th Centuries. Due to the uniqueness of this particular family this research has been carried out through a biographic methodology. Therefore, this paper lets the readers know that a humanistic family environment plays the role of a School of Music and Arts.






Historia del Arte